National Disability Voter Registration Week 2021

Updated August 16, 2021.

National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW) is September 13-20, 2021. Are you ready to get the word out?

AAPD / REVUP Training Video

Make sure you see Marlene Sallo of the Disability Law Center around 40:41 and Colleen Flanagan of Disability Action for America around 48:51. Marlene speaks about the importance of partnerships to the REVUP MA efforts. Colleen introduces Relational Organizing, and talks about how to apply this technique to registering people with disabilities. AAPD REVUP Zoom Meeting

Sign up as a partner for NDVRW!

Use this sign-up form to let us know you want to join NDVRW.

Start Planning

  • Find local community and organization partners.
  • Decide on your event or initiative and plan the details.
  • Tell us about your event so we can add it to our website!
  • Gather materials and volunteers as needed.
  • Publicize your event or initiative.
  • Track your success (for example, number of voters registered, event attendees, materials distributed, events hosted) and share it with us afterwards.

Use AAPD / REV UP toolkits and resources!

Visit for ideas and tool kits.